Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How do you handle stress?

Over the last few weeks I have had two very stressful events occur in my life.
The death of a friend and then having to handle a family emergency.

Two very stressful events.
How does one handle stressful events?

Well you take it one day at a time.
You take it one step at a time.
It can certainly knock you back a bit but it is how you handle it that counts.

So the next time something stressful hits you take a deep breath, count to ten and slowly but surely handle it.

One step at a time.
One day at a time.

Wishing you all continued success.

I just discovered this great blog certainly worth the read and be sure to bookmark it.

Here is the link: http://www.twinkletalks.co.za

A great website I discovered called Montage.

Here is the link: montage.cloudapp.net

Fly high
Fly free

Fred Felton
Mr Motivator
Author and Motivational Speaker
email: falconscove@gmail.com

email to book me for a talk or seminar anywhere on the planet.

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