Thursday, May 31, 2012

5 Photo Apps For Photographers For The iPad

Greetings Dear Readers

This week I am looking at 5 Photo Apps worth having on your iPad if you are a Photographer.

1.  Pixlr-o-matic

My favorite at the moment.  Beautifully designed and when you load it it shows you the latest photo
you were working on.

25 Filters you can run the picture through
30 Effects you can play around with
30 Frames to add to the picture

What that basically means is you can mix the Filters, Effects and Frames in various
combinations and come up with some wonderful combinations.

This is one picture I worked on and ran it through Pixlr-o-matic

               Umhlanga Pier Like You Have Never Seen It Before by @fredfelton

This truly is one of the most amazing pieces of software I have seen out there.
Of course once you have finished you can send it out to all the social media networks
and even email it to friends or save it.

2.  Instagram

Recently bought by Facebook for $1 Billion Dollars and you can see why.
Simple to use but packed full of features, some wonderful filters and added enhancements
such as brightness.  You can even drop the colour if you choose.
Social Sharing is first rate.  Brilliant app.

3. MagicHour

Keep an eye on this one, sometimes it is Free on the App Store

A wonderful photo app,
Simple to use and full of filters.
Here is the difference with this one.
This App gives you the option of making your own filters.
Now that is really interesting.  The idea's are as big as your imagination so go wild with it.

4.  PicShop Lite

Another interesting App to look at.  Also gives you the ability to edit, fix up red eye, crop,
rotate, tilt and shift, focal point, and loads of filters.

5.  Vintage Camera

Has over 5 million users worldwide
It's different.  Does exactly what it says, turns any picture into one of those old photos.
I know it works.
Great little app to play around with.


You will also find that now most Social Media Apps like Tweetcaster and others
that let you upload photo's now let you also add various filters to the pictures before you
upload them.

Quite an interesting new development.

Yours in Social

Fred Felton
Social Media Strategist & Speaker
A Digital Media Agency
Social Media is Our Biz
cell 076-977-5788

call or email to book Fred for a workshop or training countrywide.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How To Run A Social Media Marketing Campaign Using Just a @BlackBerry

Greetings Dear Readers

Wolfgang Bonisch @charlotte_niche and @fredfelton at the @psasouthafrica National Convention 2012

This has been a crazy month for me helping out PSASA with some social media marketing
for their National Convention.  My company Falconscove helped them out with some social media
strategy and then the social media marketing at the convention.   Most of this was done using
just a @BlackBerry

Here are ways you too can market a event or convention using just a @BlackBerry

1.  Make sure you have UberSocial installed on your Blackberry

This proved to be my number one tool at the Convention.  Wherever I went I used
my UberSocial which gives you the wonderful options of sharing posts to Twitter, Facebook,
Linkedin and your Black Berry Messenger.

2.   Upload As Many Pics as you can

It has been proven that people look more at pictures than at statements so during your event
try and upload lots of pics.   Make sure you add the hashtag associated with the Event.

3.  Do some live blogging

For this I chose the Tumblr App for Blackberry and I must say it is rock solid, it works everytime
and automatically posts to Twitter and Facebook for you.  So during the event or at the end of the day
do some live blogging about the Speakers or the Event.

4.  Tell your Tweeps what is going on at the Event

People are curious and they want to know what is going on at Events.  So if you hear a gem
or a nugget of wisdom spread it with your Tweeps.  They will remember that.

5.  Make sure your battery is fully charged.

I know it sounds like a stupid thing to say but so many people forget to do this.  So just in case
take another battery with or your power cord and charge when necessary.

Yours in Social

Fred Felton
Social Media Strategist & Speaker
A Digital Media Agency